Published the Paper “Digital holographic microscopy – a non-invasive method to analyze the formation of spheroids”

Zahra El Schich is from the Malmö University, and she is working on the REVERT, taRgeted thErapy for adVanced colorEctal canceR paTients EU – funded project:

“In this project, we aim to work with spheroids and organoids of colorectal cancer cells, and we are now on our way to optimizing methods and protocols for the analysis of spheroids. In this paper, I have designed a method to analyze 3D spheroids with DH microscopy.”

In this framework, Zahra EL Schich recently published the Paper Digital holographic microscopy – a non-invasive method to analyze the formation of spheroids in BioTechniques. The paper presents the method designed by the researcher to analyze 3D spheroids with DH microscopy. The new method represents an important achievement because not all the available methods are compatible with 3D spheroids. This newly developed method is a non-invasive one and will be utilized for the improvement of treatment response.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 848098”.

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